So I had grade 2 gynecomastia.

I did my surgery at TLC Aesthetica Cosmetic Hospital.

Post-Surgery on Day 1: The pain was quiet high. I can’t move my arms and I have to take bed rest but the real problem is I can’t use my usual position to sleep (upside down).

Rather than chest, My Arm pit is hurting more ( that’s where there drain the fluid). Ofcourse there are antibiotics and pain killers to deprive the pain so that’s a huge help.

Post- Surgery Day 3: I am not adding my day 2 progress because there wasn’t any.

Day 3: Craving for too much water and feeling tired all the time (of course the anti biotics side affects). Started walking couple of rounds inside my hall. Chest is kind off stiff. And my arms are like trying hard to hang on to my body.

I also can’t keep my arm relaxed because my arm pit start hurting

Post- Surgery Day 5: Recovery is kind off started making good effects. Arm pit doesn’t hurt like usual (unless I lift or do something heavy). Chest stiffness is also gone unless I touch or press it.

Post Surgery Day 7: Starts feeling normal.

I Started doing some daily activities like walking around the street, riding a bike and buying groceries. Even though I felt like I can do anything I want, I am not pushing my body over the moon cuz I don’t want to make any mistakes.

Post surgery Day 10: Medicines got over on day 8. Tiredness and dizziness had gone away (duh) and I start feeling like myself again.

Can Sleep sideways now (huge relief)

I also started doing some stretching exercises to accelerate the blood flow to my arm and gladly I didn’t felt any bad sensation.




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